The article,Cross Dressers of the Civil War, written by Veronica Majerol explores the topic of woman's rights and equality. It gives us a look into how woman were also heroes of the Civil War and they tested their bravery by dressing up like men and fighting in the war. This article talks about the bravery women had, the independence that women fought for, and woman's rights and how the evolved since. Women were not given enough credit for their courageous efforts then and now.
The author uses statistics and information on the Civil War and the woman fighting in it as well as reasoning for the women to fight to support their claim that women should've gotten more credit during the Civil War. "There were about 250 documented cases of women who hid their sex to fight for the Union and Confederate armies," this shows that a lot of women risked their lives and disguised themselves to fight in the war. Also, " 'Women who went off to fight in the Civil War were really strong, tough women ... History doesn't reflect that,' " this shows the author using evidence to support their claim.
I feel that women were not given enough credit for their bravery and strength in a time were women were not equal to men. And the fact that 2013 was when the Defense Department lift the ban on women combat, shows that women are slowly starting to change then when it was in was in 1865.